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A detailed feasibility study for a bakery with the costs of setting up the entire bakery and the expected profits from the project

 Detailed feasibility study for a bakery with the entire bakery costs and the expected profits from the project.

One of the most demanded commodities in the world is bread or bread..indispensable to any human being. Food and beverage projects are among the basics that you can invest in while you are confident. The master of food and beverage projects investments is bread or bread.. The idea or equation is simply (flour). __ Dough __ Settlement in the oven __ Ready living for sale) I will explain the whole project to you with the prices of a Shami bread oven _ Profits of a tourist living oven _ License for a tourist living oven _ Price of a Shami bread tray _ Price of a Shami bread kneader

First: the advantages of the Eish Shami bakery project

1 - Daily income with excellent high profits.

2 - Bread or bread is a basic commodity that has an excellent draw and is indispensable.

3 - You do not need much experience. You can manage your project with a bakery technician and a settlement technician only, and you are free to sell and not earn.

4 - Does not require a large capital for profits.

5- The project risk ratio is low compared to other projects.

Second: the costs of establishing a Shami bakery

- First, the appropriate location for the project

- The tourist bakery project needs a place with an area of ​​30 meters as a minimum to set up the project, equipped with a source of electricity, water and sewage, and you can rent a shop of this area or larger than that. With the condition of the walls of the place ceramics to maintain public health
- It needs a site with a high population density if you prefer to sell through the bakery, or the location does not matter if you plan to distribute to restaurants, supermarkets, malls, hotels and other places that sell bread to consumers.

- Second: the perineum needed to start the project

The perineum is one of the necessities of the Shami bread bakery project and it is indispensable because it is the first step to making the Shami bread.. Inside it is placed flour with water, yeast and salt, and it starts rolling and making dough and it works with electricity and its prices are

Shami bread kneading machine price
- Kneader 70 cm capacity of flour sack 6000 g

- Dough mixer 80 cm, capacity of 2 sacks of flour, priced at 7500 pounds.

- Kneader 90 cm, capacity 3 sacks, flour, calorie 11000 g

You can start with a small perineum measuring 70 cm, then after expanding by God’s command, you can replace it with a larger one, and so on

- Third: Shami bread tray oven.

The oven is the second element in terms of importance after the kneader for the Shami bread bakery project.. It is the part related to leveling the dough and converting it to the final form, or bread or bread in a final stage before selling. It is a tray connected to a motor and above the tray a torch of fire works to settle the living
Shami bread tray price
- A tray of bread, size 1.25 cm, its price = 9.5 thousand pounds

- A tray of bread measuring 1.50 cm, its price = 12 thousand pounds.

- A 2-meter serving tray, its price = 17 thousand

- Fourth: The workers needed for the project

2 workers in addition to you as the owner of the project if you want to work.. One of the workers is specialized in dough, cutting and cutting, and the other is specialized in the oven and leveling, and you are specialized in selling and collecting money

- Fifth: Other project expenses

- 55 x 55 wooden tables for storing dough before settlement, 20 tables, at 50 pounds per table.

- 2 large size gas tubes at 750 EGP each.

- A wooden stand for storing bread until selling.

Third: The required licenses for the Eish Shami oven

- A license from the Ministry of Supply to open Aish Shami bakery

- Commercial Register.

- Tax card .

Health certificate for bakery workers.

Fourth: The profits of the Shami bread bakery project

- The price of a kilo of fine flour today is 8 EGP in retail stores

- A kilo of flour for the production of Shami bread, the price of 4.5 EGP

- A kilo produces 30 loaves of 1 c sale category

Your profits depend on the percentage of your sales, the higher the percentage of your profits.

- You can increase your profits by distributing the living to the supermarket and the nearby shops to sell for a percentage of the profit.


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