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9 steps to deal with iPhone malfunction after falling in water


10 Things We Can Do To Save A Water Damaged iPhone

9 steps to deal with iPhone malfunction after falling in water
9 steps to deal with iPhone malfunction after falling in water

When the iPhone falls into the water, the owner is afraid of losing the precious information and memories he owns, but what some do not know is that the iPhone can be repaired after falling into the water if it is handled correctly, and in this article we will review a set of steps to repair the iPhone after it fell in the water. water.

1. Avoid operating the device

When the iPhone falls into the water, be careful not to operate the device at all; Because this will damage the electrical circuits and the internal components inside the device, and be careful not to try closing it if it is open, and based on the foregoing, when the iPhone falls into the water, the power button should not be pressed at all for any reason.

2. Remove the protective film and the outer covers

When the iPhone falls into the water, the outer covers that protect the phone must be removed, which are known as “covers” because they will be wet and this leads to more water entering the phone, and care must be taken to remove the outer adhesive that protects the screen; Because it will also be wet with water and keeping it will make the phone's condition worse.

3. Dry the phone using a clean, dry cloth

After removing the covers and the outer adhesive that protects the screen, you must bring a clean and dry cloth and start wiping the phone gently without pressing any of the side buttons such as the power buttons and others, and care must be taken to dry the entrances to the phone such as the entrance to the charger and the entrance to the headphones, but gently without damaging any of the internal pieces and without Push more water droplets inward.

4. Remove the SIM card

After making sure that the phone and the phone’s entrances are completely dry, you must hold the phone gently and begin to gently remove the chip without damaging any of the internal parts and without accidentally pressing the power button. After that, the chip must be dried well and kept in a safe place until the phone is repaired.

5. Avoid using a hair dryer

Many people use a hair dryer to dry their iPhones, and this is a very wrong behavior. Because the hair dryer may dry the phone from the outside, but it leads to condensation of water inside, and this will increase the amounts of water present, and high heat may damage the internal pieces, and therefore when you have to use the hair dryer, it must be turned on at a low temperature and drying from the outside Only a day after it fell into the water.

6. Surround the phone with silica bags

Silica bags can be used to dry the phone after falling into the water, and these bags are often with most devices when you buy them, and this is an ideal solution that contributes to a large percentage of water disposal, and it can be used by bringing a box with a cover and placing the iPhone inside it and surrounding it with silica bags and closing Cover and leave it for 48 hours, avoiding opening it for this period to get the best possible result.

7. Use uncooked rice

Uncooked rice can be used if there are no silica bags in the house; This is by bringing a bowl with a cover and placing the phone inside it, placing rice on top of it until the phone is completely covered, then closing the cover and leaving the phone inside for 48 hours, as the rice works to absorb water effectively, but the problem is that the rice may leave some traces of dust on the surface. phone surface.

8. Perform backups

After drying the phone completely, you can try operating it by pressing the power button, and if the device returns to work, you must make sure that the device will not return to the same way as before; As the battery may get damaged and other problems may start to appear even after a while, so be sure to back up to ensure that important data is preserved in case the phone crashes again.

9. Hire specialists to repair the phone

After the iPhone falls into the water, be sure to go with the phone to a repair shop so that the phone is fully checked, including the phone's battery and internal parts. These steps must be done immediately without procrastinating, even if the phone starts working; Because some internal parts will be damaged after a period of operation of the device, and this period may be long, extending to a month after operating the device, and it may be as short as a few days.

Tips to avoid water damage to the iPhone

There are a number of tips that you should follow to avoid water damage to the iPhone, and the following is a statement of them:

- Make sure to install the water-protective sticker in case you have to use the phone in places where there is water, such as the beach for the purpose of taking souvenir photos.

- Avoid taking the phone to places where there is water, such as swimming and showering places.

- Make sure to install covers made of leather for the phone; Because it prevents water from entering the interior.


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